La pell dels murs

Documentary Film, 25’, 2021

Directed by: Aurora Sulli
Script: Aurora Sulli
Production: Un Capricho de Producciones
Cinematography: Juan González y Victor Luengo
Sound: Pau Lopez
Editing: Aurora Sulli
Sound Engineer: Juan Carlos Pérez
Color: Artic Films

TV3 a la Carta 

Marina Capdevila es una pintora y muralista catalana que retrata con tierno sentido del humor a la tercera edad. Su musa es su abuela que, con 94 años de edad, sigue en espléndida forma.
Afectada por el trato que los ancianos recibieron durante la pandemia, Marina decide rendirles homenaje, pintando las paredes de la residencia Puig Reig de Girona.
Durante dos semanas la vida de los residentes se verá revolucionada por el entusiasmo de Marina, que los involucrará inevitablemente en su actividad.

Marina Capdevila is a Catalan painter and muralist who portrays the elderly with a tender sense of humor. His muse is his grandmother who, at 94 years of age, is still in splendid form. Affected by the treatment that the elderly received during the pandemic, Marina decides to pay tribute to them by painting the walls of the Puig Reig residence in Girona.
For two weeks, the lives of the residents will be transformed by Marina’s enthusiasm, which will inevitably involve them in her activity.